Bulletin scope: The Bulletin publishes contributions of international interest in all fields of geological sciences on results of new work on material from Denmark, the Faroes and Greenland. Contributions based on other material may also be submitted to the Bulletin if the subject is of relevance for the geology of the area of primary interest.

Organisation: The Bulletin is an Open Access journal published online only. It is managed by a chief editor with assistance of a co-editor and a board of scientific editors who handle manuscripts in which they have special expertise. Manuscripts are peer-reviewed by at least two independent scientists. The chief editor acts on the recommendations from the scientific editors; the final decisions rest with the chief editor. Scientific editing and reviewing are done on an unpaid collegial basis; technical production expenses are covered by the Geological Society membership fees. There are no charges. All articles are published as pdf-files immediately after acceptance and technical production. The articles issued during one year constitute one volume, except for special (thematic) volumes.

Archiving: Articles (searchable pdf files) are archived at the home page of the Geological Society of Denmark and at the Royal Library of Denmark. The Bulletin is indexed in Web of Science and GeoRef. All issues from volume 1 (1894) and onwards are available in electronic form.

Before 1970 the Bulletin’s primary name was Meddelelser fra Dansk Geologisk Forening, and papers were mainly published in Danish – some with abstracts in English, French or German. Papers from before 1999 have been made available as pdf-files through a grant from the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation.

Copyright and permissions: The Bulletin applies a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) 4.0 International License, i.e., the copyright resides with the authors, and re-use of material is permitted provided the source is cited, see https://creativecommons.org/licenses/.


Chief editor:

Ole Bennike
Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS)
Øster Voldgade 10
DK-1350 Copenhagen K, Denmark
Mail: obe [a] geus [dot] dk

Assistant editors:
Lotte Melchior Larsen
Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS)
Øster Voldgade 10
DK-1350 Copenhagen K, Denmark
Mail: lml [a] geus [dot] dk

Gunver Krarup Pedersen
Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS)
Øster Voldgade 10
DK-1350 Copenhagen K, Denmark
Mail: gkp [a] geus [dot] dk

  • maj1996
    Contents of Volume 43/1 Gunnar Larsen Symposium Korstgård, J. .: Gunnar Larsen. Professor of Geology, p. 1 https://doi.org/10.37570/bgsd-1996-43-18 Dinesen, A.: Comments on Gunnar Larsen’s publications, pp. 2-3 https://doi.org/10.37570/bgsd-1996-43-19 Friis, H.: A quartzite inclusion in the Rønne Granite – the first Danish sediment? pp. 4-8 https://doi.org/10.37570/bgsd-1996-43-01 Michelsen. O.: Late Cenozoic basin…

  • maj1995
    Contents of Volume 42/1 Bailey, J.C. Cryptorhythmic and macrorhythmic layering in aegerine lujavrite, Ilímaussaq alkaline intrusion, South Greenland p. 1 https://doi.org/10.37570/bgsd-1995-42-01 Nutman, A.P., Hagiya, H. & Maruyama, S. SHRIMP U-Pb single zircon geochronology of a Proterozoic mafic dyke, Isukasia, southern West Greenland p. 17 https://doi.org/10.37570/bgsd-1995-42-02 Jensen, S.K. & Nielsen, S.B.…

  • maj1994
    Content of Volume 41/1 Jørgensen, N. O. (Ed.): Gas in marine sediments s. 3Wernecke, G., Floser, G., Korn, S., Weitkamp, C. & Michaelis, W.: First measurements of the methane concentration in the North Sea with a new in-situ device s. 5 https://doi.org/10.37570/bgsd-1995-41-01 Clayton, C.J & Hay, S.J.: Gas migration mechanisms…

  • maj1993
    Content of Volume 40/1-2 (1993) Hancock, J. M.: The work of Tove Birkelund for the International Subcommission on Cretaceous stratigraphy s. 5 Håkansson, E., Birkelund, T., Heinberg, C., Hjort, C., Molgaard, P. and Pedersen, S. A. S.: The Kilen Expedition 1985 s.9 https://doi.org/10.37570/bgsd-1994-40-01 Birkelund, T.: Ammonites from the Maastrichtian white…

  • maj1991
    Content of Volume 39/1 Lindgreen, H.: Elemental and structural changes in illite/smectite mixed-layer clay minerals during diagenesis in Kimmeridgian- Volgian (- Ryazanian) clays in the Central Trough, North Sea and the Nonvegian- Danish Basin s. 1 https://doi.org/10.37570/bgsd-1991-39-01 Content of Volume 39/2 Smelror, M,: Palynomorphs from the Cyrtograptus centrifugus graptolite zone(early…

  • maj1990
      Content of Volume 38/1 (1990) Larsen, P.-H., Stemmerik, L., Nielsen, T. F. D. and Rex, D.C.: Lamprophyric dykes in Revdal, Scoresby Land, East Greenland: conflicting observations and K-Ar age determinations s. 1 https://doi.org/10.37570/bgsd-1990-38-01   Fortey, R. A. and Peel, J. S.: Early Ordovician trilobites and molluscs from the Poulsen…

  • maj1989
    Content of Volume 37/1-2 (1988) Morton, A. C. & Evans, J. A.: Geochemistry of basaltic ash beds from the Fur Formation, Island of Fur, Denmark s. 1 https://doi.org/10.37570/bgsd-1988-37-01 Jensen, J. P.: Lateral accretion features (epsilon cross-bedding) and point bars in the Weichselian Køge Esker, East- Sjælland, Denmark s. 11 https://doi.org/10.37570/bgsd-1988-37-02…

  • maj1988
    Content of Volume 36/1-2 (1987) Houmark-Nielsen, M.: Pleistocene stratigraphy and glacial history of the central part of Denmark s. 1-189 https://doi.org/10.37570/bgsd-1988-36-01 Content of Volume 36/3-4 (1987) Ulleberg, K.: Foraminiferal zonation of the Danish Oligocene sediments s.191 https://doi.org/10.37570/bgsd-1988-36-02  Olsen, H.: Coarsening upward sequences – the products of laterally established river subsystems,…

  • maj1986
    Content of Volume 35/1-2 (1986) Poulsen, N. E.: Callovian-Volgian dinocyst stratigraphy of the Central Trough in the Danish North Sea Area s. 1 https://doi.org/10.37570/bgsd-1986-35-01 Hesselbo, S. P.: Pseudoleucite from the Gardar of South Greenland s. 11 https://doi.org/10.37570/bgsd-1986-35-02 Larsen, P.-H.: Soft sediment deformation structures in Silurian turbidites from North Greenland s.…

  • maj1985
    Content of Volume 34/1-2 (1985) Sjørring, S.: INQVA and IGCP field meeting in Denmark 1981 s. 1 https://doi.org/10.37570/bgsd-1985-34-20  Gravenor, C. P.: Glacial tectonic and flowstructures in glaciogenic deposits: a  cautionary note s. 3 https://doi.org/10.37570/bgsd-1985-34-01   Grube, F. and Vollmer, Th.: Der geologische Bau pleistozåner Inlandgletschersedimente Norddeutschlands s. 13 https://doi.org/10.37570/bgsd-1985-34-02  …