Foredrag: The Geological Timescale

The Geological Timescale

Global and local aspects

Marking the 2012 update of ‘The Geological Time Scale’, the Geological Society of Denmark and Maersk Oil hereby announces a thematic meeting with talks by two of the main editors of the time scale and representatives of the geological academia and industry in Denmark.

October 11th 17.00–19.00 (with drinks and snacks after the meeting)

University of Copenhagen, Department of Geography and Geology

 Felix Gradstein (Oslo University): Improving the geological timescale.

 Frans van Buchem (Maersk Oil): Detailed stratigraphic correlation – Does industry really need it?

 Sofie Lindström (GEUS): The Triassic–Jurassic boundary of the Danish Basin.

 Karen Dybkjær (GEUS): Identification and characterisation of the Oligocene‐Miocene boundary in the North Sea Basin.

 Nicolas Thibault (University of Copenhagen): A synthetic chronostratigraphical scheme for the Maastrichtian stage.

 James Ogg (Purdue University): Geologic Time Scale 2012 ‐ an overview.


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