Bulletin Volume 43 – 1996

Contents of Volume 43/1

Gunnar Larsen Symposium
Korstgård, J. .: Gunnar Larsen. Professor of Geology, p. 1
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Dinesen, A.: Comments on Gunnar Larsen’s publications, pp. 2-3
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Friis, H.: A quartzite inclusion in the Rønne Granite – the first Danish sediment? pp. 4-8
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Michelsen. O.: Late Cenozoic basin development of the sea of the eastern North Sea Basin, pp. 9-21
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Knudsen, K. L.: Conradsen, K.. Heier-Nielsen, S. & Seidenkrantz, M.-S.: Quaternary palaeoceanography and palaeogeography in northern Denmark:
a review of results from the Skagen cores, pp. 22-31
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Friborg. R.: The landscape below the Tinglev outwash plain: a reconstruction, pp. 34-40
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Thorsen. G.: Oedometer tests – an aid in determination of the geological
load history? pp. 41-50
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Other papers
Katzung. G.: Sandstone dykes in the Vang granit, northwestern Bornholm (Denmark), pp. 51-53
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Stouge, S. & Rasmussen. J. A.: Upper Ordovician conodonts from Bornholm and possible migration routes in the Palaeotethys Ocean, pp. 54-67
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Gale A. S. & Christensen. W. K.: Occurrence of the belemnite Actinocamax plenus in the Cenomanian af SE France and its significance, pp. 68-77
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Pedersen. G. K. & Buchardt. B.: The calcareous concretions (cementsten)in the
Fur Formation (Paleogene, Denmark): isotopic evidence of early diagenetic growth, pp. 78-86
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Sten, E,. Thybo. H. & Noe-Nygaard. N.: Resistivity and georadar mapping of lacustrine and glaciofluvial sediments in the late-glacial to postglacial Store Åmose basin, Denmark, pp. 87-98
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Contents of Volume 43/2

Clausen, O. R., Korstgård, J. A. & Egebjerg, T. M.: Quantitative strain analysis of strike-slip displacements across the Arne-Elin trend,the Danish Central Graben, pp. 99-113
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Nielsen, J. K., Hansen, K. S. & Simonsen, L.: Sedimentology and ichnology of the Robbedale Formation (Lower Cretaceous), Bornholm, Denmark, pp 115-131
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Petersen, H. I., Bojesen-Koefoed, J. A. & Nytoft, H. P.: Depositional environment and burial history of a Lower Cretaceous
carbonaceous claystone, Bornholm, Denmark, pp. 133-142
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Rasmussen, E. S.: Sequence stratigraphie subdivision of the Oligocène
and Miocene succession in South Jutland, pp. 143-155
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Blake, W., Jr., Jackson, H. R. & Currie, C. G.: Seafloor evidence for glaciation, northernmost Baffin Bay, pp. 157-168
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Houmark-Nielsen, M., Bennike, O. & Björck, S.: Terrestrial biotas and environmental changes during the
late Middle Weichelian in north Jutland, Denmark, pp. 169-176
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Editor’s Column
Christensen, W. K.: News from the editor, p. 114
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Geological Society of Denmark on Internet, p. 132

GEUS, Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland, p. 156