Petrologisk Klub – Program for efteråret 2017

Petrologisk Klub (DGF)

Uformelle frokostmøder i efteråret 2017
Onsdage kl. 12.15 i Auditorium C, stuen, Område 6
Informal lunchtime seminars in Aud C: Wednesdays at 12.15

Program for efterår 2017

27/9 –    Graham Banks, GEUS

Defining Structural Domains in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq: Structural Interpretations from Satellite Imagery and Fieldwork

 4/10 –    Kai Sørensen, GEUS

 On the role of tectonic mèlanges in the Nagssugtoqidian

11/10 – Nina Søager, IGN

Magmatic temperatures and oxygen fugacities from laser ablation-ICP-MS measurements of olivines –implications for mantle source identification

25/10 – Emil Aarestrup, IGN

Does new high precision Pb isotopic data from Katla, SW Iceland, reveal an additional radiogenic endmember for Iceland?

1/11 –    Paul Martin Holm, IGN

Magma chamber processes

8/11 –    Quinten Van der Meer, SNM

Constraining the age and formation history of cratonic mantle; an example form the Limpopo Mobile Belt, South Africa

15/11 – Tod Waight, IGN

Continuation of the tale of New Zealand – the ’new’ 8th continent

22/11 – Katrine Baden, GEUS/IGN

New age restraints of the Ketilidian Orogen in Southwest Greenland

29/11 – Sylvie Bruggmann, IGN

Cr-isotopes in marine shells

6/12 –    Trygvi Bech Árting, IGN

Cr-isotopes in banded iron formations


Tilbud om afholdelse af foredrag eller ønske om optagelse på distributionsliste rettes til
Nina Søager (IGN: ns [at] ign [dot] ku [dot] dk), eller Thomas F. Kokfelt (GEUS: tfk [at] geus [dot] dk)