Nordic Geoscientist Award 2018 – Call for nominations

Nordic Geoscientist Award 2018- CALL FOR NOMINATIONS

The Nordic Geoscientist Award will be presented every second year in connection with the Nordic Winter Meeting. The Award will be granted to a Nordic geoscientist who has, in the course of his/her career, been strongly involved in the society around us, as well as in specific fields in the geosciences.

All members of the Nordic geological societies can propose candidates. A proposal should comprise ca. 500 words. A jury, consisting of the leaders of each Nordic geological society and the directors of each Nordic geological survey, will consider the proposals and prepare a written statement on its decision on the Award.

The prize will consist of a framed diploma and an engraved plate of stone. The winner will be invited to hold a plenary lecture at the Winter Meeting in connection with presentation of the Award.

All proposals should be sent to the president of the Geological Society in your country by 1 November 2017.

The Nomination committee:
Presidents of the Geological Societies