Nordic Geological Winter Meeting – CALL FOR ABSTRACTS

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The Geological Society of Denmark and the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) is pleased to invite you to present your work at the 33rd Nordic Geological Winter Meeting. The conference will be held at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Lyngby, Copenhagen on the 10-12th of January 2018. The event is organized jointly by the Geological Society of Denmark and DTU.

Registration information

In order to participate in the conference it is necessary to register through the conference site ( Please note that submission of an abstract requires the participation of at least one (presenting) author.   The fees are the following.

Early registration (€) Late registration (€)
Regular 375 475
Student 225 325
Due date for payment 15th of November 2017 From 16th of November 2017


Abstract submission

In order to present a poster or to give a 15 min. talk at the conference, you are kindly asked to submit an abstract through the online submission link. The deadline for abstracts is the 15th of October. Abstracts will be reviewed by the scientific committee and relevant session conveners and acceptance notifications will be sent out by November 15th, 2017 (Please note that the presenting author should register for the conference prior to this date in order to confirm that the abstract will be presented). Confirmed abstracts will be compiled and made available to participants at the conference. Unconfirmed abstracts will be left out.

For further details please refer to the abstract guidelines on the website (

Contact information
If you have any questions related to the conference, please contact lilch [at] byg [dot] dtu [dot] dk


Contact information

If you have any questions related to the conference, please contact lilch [at] byg [dot] dtu [dot] dk


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