New Article in the Bulletin

A new myriacanthid holocephalian from the Early Jurassic of Denmark.

Duffin, C.J. & Milàn, J. 2017. A new myriacanthid holocephalian from the Early Jurassic of Denmark.

© 2017 by Bulletin of the Geological Society of Denmark, Vol. 65, pp. 161–170.
ISSN 2245-7070. (www.2dgf/publikationer/bulletin).


A new myriacanthid holocephalian is described from the Hasle Formation (probably the Uptonia jamesoni subzone to the Acanthopleuroceras valdani subzone, Early Pliensbachian, Early Jurassic) of Bornholm, Denmark, on the basis of isolated upper posterior (palatine) and lower posterior (mandibular) tooth plates. Oblidens bornholmensis gen. et sp. nov. differs from all other myriacanthids for which the same dental elements are known, in the distribution of the hypermineralised tissue covering the occlusal surfaces of the tooth plates, and the arrangement of the ridges transecting the tooth plate surface and so varying their surface relief. Oblidens is the first myriacanthid holocephalian to be recorded both from the Pliensbachian and from Denmark. The presence of a further, undetermined myriacanthid tooth plate is noted from the same locality.

Keywords: Bornholm, tooth plate, Holocephali, Myriacanthidae, Pliensbachian, Early Jurassic, new genus.


Christopher J. Duffin, Earth Sciences Department, The Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, London SW7 5BD, UK; also 146, Church Hill Road, Cheam, Sutton, Surrey SM3 8NF, UK.
Jesper Milàn, Geomuseum Faxe/Østsjællands Museum, Østervej 2, DK-4640 Faxe, Denmark; also Natural History Museum of Denmark, Øster Voldgade 5-7, DK-1350 Copenhagen K, Denmark.

Corresponding author: Christopher J. Duffin

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