Forårets program for Petrologisk Klub

Petrologisk Klub (DGF)

Uformelle frokostmøder i foråret 2018

Onsdage kl. 12.15 i Auditorium C, stuen, Område 6
Informal lunchtime seminars in Aud C: Wednesdays at 12.15

21/2 – Austin Jarl Boyd, SNM
Source and Petrogenesis of 3808 Ma Bimodal Magmatism in the Isua Supracrustal Belt

28/2 – Álvaro del Rey Hernández González, SNM
Pangea assembly and its implications to the mid Permian–Triassic magmatism on the southwestern margin of South America

21/3 – Adam Garde, GEUS, Tod Waight, IGN
Shock melting of minerals and transformation of organic matter in the newly discovered Hiawatha crater, western North Greenland

4/4 – Graham Banks, GEUS
Fieldwork on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Where did the oceanic crust go?

11/4 – Sylvie Bruggmann, IGN
The chromium isotope system under modern redox changes: Insights from mollusc shells

18/4- Sara Salehi, GEUS
Mapping mafic-ultramafic rocks in presence of abundant lichens using combined airborne hyperspectral and magnetic data in western Greenland

23/5- Stefan Peters, University of Göttingen
Understanding triple oxygen isotope variations in terrestrial rocks

30/5- Sarah Kylborg, IGN
To be announced

6/6- Elis Hoffmann, University of Berlin
Early Archean crustal recycling processes and their implications on mantle depletions models

13/6- Lars Martin Kristensen Kolthoff
The collapse of Monte Amarelo volcano, Fogo – timing and trigger mechanisms

20/6- Kristoffer Szilas, IGN
Archaean peridotite complexes of SW Greenland – Geodynamic and economic implications

27/6- Jonas Tusch, Cologne University
Tungsten isotope systematics of Archean rocks and the implications for early Earth processes

Tilbud om afholdelse af foredrag eller ønske om optagelse på distributionsliste rettes til
Nina Søager (IGN: ns [at] ign [dot] ku [dot] dk), eller
Thomas F. Kokfelt (GEUS: tfk [at] geus [dot] dk)Med venlig hilsen
Dansk Geologisk Forening:
Nina Søager og Thomas Kokfelt