Forårets program for Petrologisk Klub

Petrologisk Klub (DGF)

Uformelle frokostmøder i vinter-forår 2017

(Version af 3/2-2017)

Onsdage kl. 12.15 i

Auditorium C, stuen, Område 6

Informal lunchtime seminars in Aud C: Wednesdays at 12.15

Program for forår 2017

8/2 – Luis Sánchez-Muñoz, Institute for Ceramics and Glasses, Madrid

Raman and Rayleigh scattering microscopy: applications in alkali feldspars

Monday 13/2 – Norman Sleep, Stanford University/NASA Astrobiology Institute

Disequilibria and the requirements for (successful) pre-biotic chemistry

22/2 – Nina Søager, IGN

Late-stage alkaline volcanism on Santo Antao island, Cape Verde: plume or

lithospheric melts?

1/3 – Anna-Cecilie L. Sørensen, Lars Martin K. Kolthoff, Anders Lenskjold, Jesper

Kærgaard Hansen, IGN – Korte præsentationer af nye specialeprojekter:

Fogo, Kap Verdeøerne, Kialineq/Kap Gustav Holm, Kulusuk Centre

8/3 – Thomas Kokfelt, GEUS

On time-scales of magmatic differentiation – the Canary Islands case

15/3 – Emil Aarestrup, IGN

Nyt om de mesozoiske skånske vulkaner fra geokemi af bjergarter og mineraler (foreløbig titel)

22/3 – Troels F.D. Nielsen, GEUS

All you ever wanted to know about the Skaergaard intrusion – a tale from the horse’s mouth

29/3 – Tod Waight, IGN

The Cerro Del Hoyazo Dacite and its restite inclusions (preliminary title)

5/4 – Frederik E. Brandt, IGN

Mantle lithology and mantle enrichment by fluids below the Payenia backarc of the Andean Southern Volcanic Zone

12/4 – ikke møde (Påske)

19/4 – Robert Matthew Klaebe, IGN

Precambrian carbonates and the Earth’s ancient atmosphere (preliminary title)

26/4 – Tonci Balic-Zunic, IGN

Geokemisk anvendelse af krystalstrukturundersøgelse (foreløbig titel)

3/5 – Patrick Stanescu, IGN

An analysis primitive olivines to determine the amount of pyroxenite in the source of Icelandic melts

10/5 – Robert Frei, IGN

Chromium Isotope Compositions of Shells and Surface Seawater – a First Look at the Potential of Cr in Marine Skeletal Carbonates as a Seawater Redox Archive

18/5 – Tove Eggert Olsen, IGN

Origin and evolution of basaltic magmas from Katla

Tilbud om afholdelse af foredrag eller ønske om optagelse på distributionsliste rettes til

Paul Martin Holm(GI: paulmh [at] ign [dot] ku [dot] dk), eller

Thomas F. Kokfelt (GEUS: tfk [at] geus [dot] dk)

Med venlig hilsen

Dansk Geologisk Forening:

Paul Martin Holm og Thomas Kokfelt