Deltag i årsmødet med en poster

Dear Masters and PhD students,

The Annual Meeting in the Danish Geological Society, including general assembly and dinner, is on the 11th of March this year (more information coming soon on

The Society would like to invite all Master and PhD students to participate in the poster session, which will occur between the oral presentations and the general assembly.

We also ask all supervisors to encourage their students to produce a poster. This is an excellent opportunity to present your research, discuss your results and receive useful input from other attendants at the meeting, which consists of a broad field of geologists.

There is a prize awarded for the best poster for both categories; Masters and PhD.

Send in your abstract by the 6th of March to dgfemail [at] gmail [dot] com, so it can be added to the program.
Posters should be in the format of 90 cm (vertical) and 120 cm (horizontal) (A0 size). Remember that a poster mainly communicates through figures, so try to avoid too much text. Some useful tips on making a good poster can be found at

Best regards,
The Danish Geological Society