33rd Nordic Geological Winter Meeting: First announcement and call for theme sessions

It’s our pleasure to announce the 33rd Nordic Geological Winter Meeting to be held at the Danish Technical University (DTU), Kgs. Lyngby, Copenhagen, Denmark – January 10-12, 2018 and organized by The Danish Geological Society.

The meeting aims to cover a wide range of geological topics and offers a venue for presenting research and networking with colleagues from the Nordic countries.

Information on registration and abstract submission is available on our web site (http://www.tilmeld.dk/ngwm2018), but at this time we would like to call for sessions. Please submit session suggestions (including title and responsible session conveners) to the relevant member(s) of the Scientific Program Committee, whose names follow their subject areas as listed below. We would like to have your suggestions by the 15th of June, 2017.

We are looking forward to seeing you all in Denmark!
Scientific Program Committee Chair: Karen Hanghøj (karen [at] hanghoj [dot] rocks)

1. Igneous Rocks and Processes: Paul Martin Holm (paulmh [at] ign [dot] ku [dot] dk)
2. Metamorphic rocks and processes: Thorsten Nagel (thorsten [dot] nagel [at] geo [dot] au [dot] dk)
3. Sedimentary rocks and processes: Ida Fabricius (ilfa [at] byg [dot] dtu [dot] dk)
4. Tectonics and Structural geology: Pierpaolo Guarnieri (pgua [at] geus [dot] dk)
5. Mineralogy: Tonci Balic Zunic (toncib [at] ign [dot] ku [dot] dk)
6. Paleaontology: Nicolas Thibault (nt [at] ign [dot] ku [dot] dk)
7. Climate: Camilla Snowman (csa [at] geus [dot] dk)
8. Quarternary geology: Nicolaj Krogh Larsen (nkl [at] geo [dot] au [dot] dk)
9. Economical Geology: Thomas Ulrich (thomas [dot] ulrich [at] geo [dot] au [dot] dk)
10. Engineering and enviromental geology: Joakim Korshøj (jsk [at] geo [dot] dk)
11. Hydrogeology: Peter Engesgaard (pe [at] ign [dot] ku [dot] dk)
12. Geophysics: Giampiero Iaffaldano (giia [at] ign [dot] ku [dot] dk)
13. High and Low temperature Geochemistry, Cosmochemistry and geochronology: Karina Sand (karina [dot] sand [at] gmail [dot] com)
14. Hydrocarbon geology: Jørgen Bojesen-Koefoed (jbk [at] geus [dot] dk)
15. Marine Geology: Paul Knutz (pkn [at] geus [dot] dk)
16. Geomorphology: Verner Ernstsen (vbe [at] ign [dot] ku [dot] dk)
17. Others: Anette Petersen (ape [at] geologiognatur [dot] dk)

Organizing Committee
Louise Belmonte (Chair), Aline Lier Møller, and the board of the Danish Geological Society