Thank you for the 33rd Nordic Geological Winter Meeting

Thank you for the 33rd Nordic Geological Winter Meeting

Read the article writtne by Ronny Setså – about the Winter Meeting.

Now two weeks have passed and daily life is slowly returning to normal after we hosted the 33rd Nordic Geological Winter Meeting.

Of you who participated, we hope you enjoyed it, we sure did.
The 3-day meeting covered no less than 17 topics with a total of 52 sessions of which included 377 oral presentations and 157 posters. Around 600 people attended the conference that was put together by the help of 17 scientific coordinators, 35 student helpers and a the complete board of the Geological Society of Denmark as well as volunteer contributers at the Technical University.

Plenary talks

We also had the great pleasure of hosting 3 plenary talks by

  • Kristin Rangnes (UGGp Council and GGN ExB Member, director for Gea Norvegica UNESCO Global Geopark, University of Oslo, Norway)
  • Sune Nielsen (Associate Scientist at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, MA, USA)
  • Nordic Geoscientist Award winner Pàll Einarsson (University of Iceland)


The Nordic Geoscientist Award was given to Pàll Einarsson for pioneering applications of seismology and geodesy to magmatic and tectonic processes along plate boundaries of Iceland and the North Atlantic, through mentoring of junior colleagues, leadership of community research initiatives, and unselfish collaboration in research.

The Winner of the Best Student Poster Award was awarded at the Ice Breaker party Wednesday night to Anders Dahlin from Aarhus University and to Katrine Mo from Norwegian University of Science and Technology.

Participants from around the globe

People came to the conference from all over the world including – Australia, Austria, Canada, Denmark, Faroe Islands, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Iceland, Iraq, Ireland, Lithuania, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Russia, South Africa, Sweden, Switzerland, UK og USA.

The Ice Breaker event offered beer and wine and excellent Danish Folk music (By Hvalfugl) at the Geocenter Copenhagen, and the conference dinner was held at the Langelinje Pavillion.


Some photos from the conference have been made available on the webpage.

Once again – thank you to all our sponsors for making the conference possible.

We hope you all enjoyed the conference and we will see you in Oslo in 2020 !