Extended programme with all orals:

 Wednesday Programme


Thursday Programme


Friday Programme

09:00-10:30 Session 1.4 Session 5.1 Session 15.3 Session 1.3 Session 9.3 Session 7.1 Session 4.5
09:00-09:15 Keynote: Wastegård, S., Tephrochronology of North Europe: A look back and prospects for the futureKeynote: Ottesen, D., The geological history of the North Sea Basin during the QuaternaryAndersen, T.B., The Pre-Caledonian Margin of Baltica: overview and research in progressLaakso, K., Non-invasive and non-destructive quantification of wollastonite in limestones using Raman spectroscopyKeynote: Pearce, C., Deglacial – Holocene paleoceanography of Herald Canyon, Chukchi Sea
09:15-09:30 Keynote: Wastegård, S., Tephrochronology of North Europe: A look back and prospects for the future Kasama, T., Nanoscale observations of ‘invisible gold’ from the Olympias mine, GreeceKeynote: Ottesen, D., The geological history of the North Sea Basin during the Quaternary Jakob, J., The lithostratigraphy of a hyperextended domain in the magma-rich to magma-poor transition zone in the southern Pre-Caledonian LIP, Scandinavian Caledonides, Norway Kangas, L., Towards Real-Time Ore Grade Evaluation using Laser-Induced Breakdown SpectroscopyKeynote: Pearce, C., Deglacial – Holocene paleoceanography of Herald Canyon, Chukchi Sea
09:30-09:45 Larsson, S., Linking late Quaternary palaeoclimate records in the North Atlantic area: cryptotephras at Körslättamossen, S SwedenFriis, H., Element mobility and new paragenesis of the Ivigtut cryolite deposit, South GreenlandBohling, B., The Quaternary Stratigraphy in the Norwegian Sector of the Central North Sea – A Site Survey PerspectiveKjøll, H.J., A fossil magma-rich rifted margin revealed in the Scandinavian Caledonides Nilsson, E., Zn-Pb-Cu sulfide-bearing glacial sandstone erratics near Raahe on the western coast of Finland as indicators of Paleozoic base metal mineralization at the bottom of the Bothnian BayJackson, R., Investigating phase-relationships between ice margin instabilities and oceanographic conditions in Baffin Bay during the last deglaciation and early HoloceneBalogh, B., Coupling of the ductile and brittle structures of the bedrock in Hyvinkää, Southern Finland
09:45-10:00 Thordarson, T., Tephra stratigraphy in Iceland during the HoloceneKuusela, J., Occurrence of indium with late-stage intrusions in the Kymi granite stock, Southern FinlandReinardy, B., Quaternary depositional environments and glacial history of the North Sea constrained by aminostratigraphyTegner, C., The pre-Caledonian Scandinavian Dyke Complex and 600 Ma plate reconstructions of Baltica Andersson, S.S., Paragenetic evolution of hydrothermal REE mineralisation in the Olserum-Djupedal area, SE SwedenWangner, D.J., A 2000-year record of ocean influence on Jakobshavn Isbræ calving activity, based on marine sediment coresHalvorsen, K., Sand tectonics - sand mobility linked to faulting and the influence on depositional systems
10:00-10:15 Johansson, H., Proximal tephras from São Miguel, Azores Islands, and their links with distal sites in EuropeBalic-Zunic, T., The fumarolic minerals of the Fimmvörduhals 2010 eruptionLøseth, H., The Norwegian Strandflat - an offshore perspectiveFichler, C., Comparing the geophysical expression of the Seiland Igneous Province with the SW Barents Sea crust – indications for a LIP during opening of the Iapetus ocean? Jonsson, E., Critical metal mineralisation in Sweden: overview and highlightsVermassen, F., An evaluation of IRD as a proxy for glacier change: results from Upernavik Isfjord.Nordbäck, N., Brittle fault systems of deep geological nuclear waste repository at Olkiluoto, SW Finland
10:15-10:30 Guðmundsdóttir, E.R., Explosive volcanic activity in Iceland during the Weichelian – Different from the Holocene?Nilsson, E., Plasticite, (Plas-TI-Kite) an ore mineralization from the late AnthropocineStewart, M., The tunnel valleys of the central and northern North Sea (56°N – 62°N): Distribution, Characteristics and GenerationsSöderlund, U., U-Pb baddeleyite dating of multiple mafic dyke swarms in the Dharwar craton, India – evidence for a 30° internal block rotation during the Paleoproterozoic Simmonds, V., Cu-Mo mineralization epochs in NW Iran and their temporal relationship with metallogenic zones of neighboring Lesser Caucasus and Central IranSeppä, H., Holocene temperature trends in the Northern Hemisphere high latitudes – model-data comparisonsRiller, U., Target-rock weakening mechanisms during peak-ring formation of the Chicxulub impact crater inferred from IODP-ICDP Expedition 364
10:30-11:00 Coffee Break
11:00-13:00 Session 1.1 Session 2.1 Session 15.1-2 Session 1.3 Session 9.1-3 Session 7.1 Session 12.1
11:00-11:15 Keynote: Heinonen, J.S., The role of sublithospheric mantle sources in continental flood basalt magmatism: lessons learned from the Karoo LIPMidttømme, K., Norsk Polar Navigasjon’s archive of old exploratory wells on SvalbardJensen, J.B., Geological setting of Anholt Loch (Site M0060)IODP Expedition 347Keynote: Lindström, S., Environmental and ecosystem responses to massive volcanism during the end-Triassic mass extinction Zhou, L., 2D elemental mapping of pyrite by LA-ICP-MS: an application in visualizing Au enrichment processHeikkilä, M., Tracers of sea ice, primary production and meltwater inputs: distribution of biogenic proxies in a High Arctic fjord system, Northeast GreenlandKeynote: Balling, N., Very deep structural contrasts across the Northern Tornquist Zone
11:15-11:30 Keynote: Heinonen, J.S., The role of sublithospheric mantle sources in continental flood basalt magmatism: lessons learned from the Karoo LIP Petrov, O., Tectonostratigraphic atlases: further perspective in Arctic researchNørgaard-Pedersen, N., Postglacial paleo-landscape evolution of Aalborg Bay-Læsø Rende, northwestern Kattegat – results of a regional aggregate raw material mapping campaignHeiberg, S., Beyond Classification – Managing Resources SustainablyRibeiro, S., Sea ice, marine productivity, and human settlement dynamics in the North Water Polynya-Qaanaaq region (NW Greenland) during the late HoloceneKeynote: Balling, N., Very deep structural contrasts across the Northern Tornquist Zone
11:30-11:45 Luttinen, A., Tracing of mantle heterogeneity in Karoo flood basalts using Nb-Zr-Ti-Y ratiosHarstad, T.S., Late Triassic sandstone provenance of the Barents Shelf; a regional comparison of preliminary detrital zircon geochronological and petrographic dataBennike, O., When did the Danish/German/Swedish straits form?Heimdal, T.H., Large-scale sill emplacement in Brazil as a trigger for the end-Triassic crisisLeveinen, J., Non-invasive and non-destructive quantification of wollastonite in limestones using Raman spectroscopyHara, U., Eocene bryozoan biota vs climatic events (Seymour Island, West Antarctica)Gradmann, S., The 3D stress field of Nordland, northern Norway - insights from numerical modelling
11:45-12:00 Turunen, S., Luenha picrites reveal a primitive mantle type plume source in the Karoo large igneous province?Keulen, N., Formation and Origin determination by geochemical fingerprinting of ruby and pink sapphire from the Fiskenæsset complex, GreenlandNovak, B., Glaciotectonic thrust complex offshore Holmsland, the Danish North Sea - New Results.Galerne, C., Karoo LIP thermogenic degassing less important than previously estimated — new evidence from thermo-hydro-mechanical numerical simulationsSchultz-Falk, V., Characterization of Raw Materials and Recycled Stone Wool Waste for Production of Stone Wool MeltDybkjær, K., Miocene glacial events and their influence on lithology distribution within the Danish North Sea areaSchiffer, C., Towards a new global crustal model derived from rapid receiver function inversion of GLImER data
12:00-12:15 Ismail, S., Magmatism associated with Gondwanaland rifting: Evidence from Iraq Zagros Suture ZoneKeynote: Pease V., Development of the Amerasia Basin: Where are we now ?Bellwald, B., The impact of a buried shear margin moraine and thermokarst landscapes on ice-stream dynamics of the SW Barents Sea revealed by high-resolution 3D seismic dataKeynote: Jones, M., Fur Island in Denmark: A window into Paleocene-Eocene hyperthermals and North Atlantic volcanismKalvig, P., Turning anthropogenic stocks into economic viable ‘ore’ reserves – major challenges for the Circular EconomyMandic, M., Paleoclimate and paleoceanography data based on isotope 13C and 18O measurements with the new measurement toolHedin, P., High-resolution seismic investigations of the Caledonian Lower Allochthon and basement transition in Jämtland, Sweden
12:15-12:30 Invited: Deegan, F., Birthing an ocean island rift: mantle fingers or lateral flow?Al-Hamdani, Z., EMODnet Seabed Habitat, an ambitious project for mapping benthic habitats in European waters. The Danish contribution.Keynote: Cherkashov, G., Exploration of seafloor massive sulfides: current status and perspectives.Beyer, C., Magnetic characteristica of Paleogene sediments in Jutland, Denmark.
12:30-12:45 van der Meer, Q., The important distinction between ancient HIMU and young HIMU-like sources in intraplate magmatismSchiffer, C., Crustal structure of the Eurekan Orogen on Ellesmere Island, Arctic Canada Keynote: Kristoffersen, Y., On the origin of the marginal plateaus north of Svalbard and GreenlandHeilmann-Clausen, C., Evidence from Denmark for NE Atlantic pre-PETM volcanismKeynote: Cherkashov, G., Exploration of seafloor massive sulfides: current status and perspectives. Drottning, A., Crustal structure across coastal Nordland (Norway) from teleseismic receiver functions
12:45-13:00 Rasmussen, M.B., Assessing primary vs. secondary geochemical fingerprints of Icelandic basalts using high-Fo# olivine crystals Neufeld, K., Connection between grain shape, chemical zonation and texture as indicator for fabric development in eclogitesKeynote: Kristoffersen, Y., On the origin of the marginal plateaus north of Svalbard and Greenland Jerram, D.A., Types and styles of volcanism in the North Atlantic Igneous Province: Implications towards understanding their potential climatic impact.Jamieson, J.W., Uncertainties in grade, tonnage, and distribution estimates for seafloor massive sulfide depositsLaine, E., 3D geomodelling workflow using high performance computing – the vuonos and keretti deposits in Outokumpu Mining area, eastern Finland
13:00-13:45 Lunch at Cantina
13:45-14:30 Nordic Scientist Award Plenary at OTICON
14:45-16:00 Session 2.2 Session 15.1 Session 1.3 Session 9.2 Session 12.1
14:45-15:00 Zheng, X., The effects of confinement on reaction-induced fracturing during an hydration reactionHopper, J.R., Depositional history of the western Amundsen Basin, Arctic OceanRabbel, O., Improving seismic interpretation of igneous sill complexes via seismic modellingSnook, B., Preliminary characterisation of potential seafloor massive sulphide ore from the Loki’s Castle deposit, on the Arctic Mid-Ocean Ridge.Slagstad, T., Late Mesoproterozoic, Sveconorwegian orogenic mantle preserved beneath SW Fennoscandia, reflected in seismic tomography and assessed by thermal modelling
15:00-15:15 Sørensen, B.E., Record of a Lower Crustal Fossil Earthquake Initiated by CO2 Flux and Reaction-driven Strain SofteningLasabuda,A., Late Cenozoic paleoenvironment and erosion estimates for the northeastern Svalbard/northern Barents Sea continental margin, Norwegian ArcticManton, B., The Relationship Between Paleogene Hydrothermal Vent Complex Diameters and Conduit Heights in the Vøring and Møre Basins Offshore Mid-NorwayDrivenes, K., Sulfide mineralogy of the Loki’s Castle hydrothermal vent, Arctic Mid-Ocean RidgeAtakan, K., Data acquisition in the North and e-infrastructure by the EPOS-Norway team
15:15-15:30 Konrad-Schmolke, M., A novel gel-mediated reaction mechanism in metamorphic rocksKnutz, P.C., Greenland Ice Sheet evolution and dynamics seen from the perspective of a large glacial fan system, northeast Baffin BayPedersen, J.M., Release of volatiles during North Atlantic flood basalt volcanism and correlation to the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM)Madureira, P., Deep sea mineral resources in the international seabed areaKolstad, C.G., Relative relocation of earthquakes along the northern North Atlantic ridge using Rayleigh waves
15:30-15:45 Robinson, P., Shear deformation in the transformation of gabbro to eclogite: Potential key to rheological contrasts in the change from HP/UHP conditions to later amphibolite-facies deformationGeissler, W., The Opening of the Arctic-Atlantic Gateway: Tectonic, Oceanographic and Climatic Dynamics – Status of the IODP InitiativeSvensen, H.H., Volcanic causes for the PETM and other past hothouse climatesBrekke, H., Deep-sea mineral resources within National Jurisdiction
15:45-16:00 Knies, J., Arctic Climate Perturbations during the Early Triassic Biotic CrisisPlanke, S., NE and NW Atlantic Paleogene Voluminous Magmatism and Global Crises: Seismic Observations and the Need for Future Scientific DrillingSørensen, B.E., Characterising mineral replacements reactions in Cu-Fe-Zn-S minerals from the Arctic Mid-ocean ridge using SEM, EBSD and optical microscopy
Nixon, F.C., Enigmatic craters and giant gas flares in the central Barents SeaMarques, A., The Seven Sisters Hydrothermal System on the Arctic Mid-Ocean Ridge
