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NGWM 2018RegistrationProgramme Topics & SessionsVenueAwards & Social eventsPhotos
THANK YOU so much for joining the 33rd Nordic Geological Winter Meeting here at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Kgs. Lyngby, Copenhagen, Denmark – January 10-12, 2018 which was  organized by Geological Society of Denmark in collaboration with the Technical University.

The 3-day meeting covered no less than 17 topics with a total of 52 sessions of which included 377 oral presentations and 157 posters. More than 600 people attended the conference that was put together by the help of 17 scientific coordinators, 35 student helpers and a the complete board of the Geological Society of Denmark as well as volunteer contributers at the Technical University. People came to the conference from all over the world including - Australia, Austria, Canada, Denmark, Faroe Islands, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Iceland, Iraq, Ireland, Lithuania, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Russia, South Africa, Sweden, Switzerland, UK og USA.

The Ice Breaker event offered many liters of beer and wine and excellent Danish Folk music (By Hvalfugl), and the conference dinner was held at the Langelinje Pavillion.


Diamond Sponsor

Diamond Sponsor

Ruby Sponsor

Ruby Sponsor

Ruby Sponsor

Ruby Sponsor

Quartz Sponsor

Quartz Sponsor

Registration for the conference

Registration fees 20 November 2017 From 21November 2017
Regular fee DKK 2,800 (€ 375) DKK 3,550 (€ 475 )
Student fee DKK 1,700 (€ 225) DKK 2,450 (€ 325)

Please note that VAT is not added on conference meeting payments in Denmark, and therefore is not deductible.

Please also make sure that your payment in connection to  your registration fee, dinner etc. has been settled before you arrive on-site. In case this is not possible, the first couple of hours on Wednesday and Thursday, you can settle the payment by credit card when you arrive to register on-site. In order to attend and receive all conference material your registration need to be paid.

The following items are included in the participant fee

Attendance at all sessions, final programme, conference abstracts (pdf), lunches, coffee/tea in breaks during meeting days, pre-conference geological city walk, Icebreaker the first day.

The following items are included in the student fee

Attendance at all sessions, final programme, conference abstracts (pdf), lunches, coffee/tea in breaks during meeting days, pre-conference geological city walk, Icebreaker the first day.

On-site Registration

Registration made later than 03 January 2018 will be considered as on-site registration and consequently minor delays at the registration desk, in connection with issuing of documentation and settlement of accounts, must be anticipated.

Final Registration

Participants must register at the registration desk upon arrival at the Meeting venue (Technical University of Denmark). Please remember to bring your confirmation of registration (all registrants) and valid student ID (only student registrants)

Meeting Secretariat
NGWM 2018
c/o DIS Congress Service
Herlev Ringvej 2C
DK-2730 Herlev
Telephone:      +45 4492 4492
Telefax:          +45 4492 5050
E-mail:            participants [at] discongress [dot] com


Payment must be made in Danish Kroner (DKK) to the order of NGWM, c/o DIS Congress Service and remitted as follows:

  • by bank transfer to account No.4180- 4180 339 809 (NGWM) – IBAN No. DK9830004180339809,

Swift code: DABADKKK in Danske Bank, Holmens Kanal 2, DK-1090 Copenhagen K, Denmark.

  • by electronic invoice (only for Danish delegates). På grund af den lange ekspeditionstid for EAN-fakturaer, er denne betalingsmåde ikke mulig senere end 30 dage før mødets start. EAN-gebyret er på DKK 39.
  • by charging your Credit Card

IMPORTANT: Please remember to state NGWM´s and the participant’s name on all money transfers made to the Meeting Secretariat.

If you have made a late payment, please bring copy of payment to the meeting.

Terms and conditions

An official confirmation of registration will be e-mailed to the participant upon receipt of registration fees. Please remember to bring your proof of payment for presentation upon request.

It is your personal responsibility that all details such as address, booked events, number of tickets, hotel reservation, date of arrival and departure, etc. are in accordance to your wishes. We therefore strongly recommend that you read and check the confirmation of registration carefully to avoid errors. In the event of any errors in the confirmed, please contact DIS Congress Service in writing.

 Cancellation of participation (a written request is mandatory)

Pre-registered participants who are unable to attend the meeting will have their paid fees reimbursed less a processing fee of DKK 400 provided written notice of non-attendance is received by the Meeting Secretariat before 10 December 2017. All refunds will be processed after the meeting. If cancellation is made after this date no refund of the fee can be expected.


Programme Outline


12:00-17:00   Registration at Geocenter Copenhagen at Øster Voldgade 10, 1350 (Central Copenhagen)

14:00-16:30   Geology Walking Tour around Copenhagen for registered participants (meeting point at Geocenter Copenhagen at Øster Voldgade 10, 1350)


08:00-09:00 Registration at DTU
09:00-09:15 Opening Ceremony at OTICON
09:15-10:00 Plenary at OTICON by Kristin Rangnes (UGGp Council and GGN ExB Member, director for Gea Norvegica UNESCO Global Geopark, University of Oslo, Norway)
10:00-11:00 Coffee break & Poster Session at Glassalen
Session 1.5
This session is in memory of Emeleus
Session 8.1 Session 6.1 Session 3.3 Session 1.8 Session 10.2 Session 16.1 Session 4.1 Session 11.1+2
11:00-13:00 New trends in the study of the crystallisation and evolution of layered mafic complexes Ice and climate history in the Arctic and subarctic Paleozoic and Mesozoic stratigraphy, paleoceanography and paleoclimate Composition of siliciclastic rocks Building Baltica Open session Engineering and enviromental geology Remote Sensing - Digital mapping, remote sensing and 3d models in Earth Science Trans-Atlantic correlation of Proterozoic collisional belts and Paleoproterozoic Metallogeny of the Arctic Groundwater transport in cold, changing climates: theory, experiments, models +Groundwater – surface water interaction; chemical and quantitative impacts on rivers, lakes, wetlands, fjords and coastal areas.
13:00-14:00 Lunch at Cantina
Session 1.6
This session is in memory of Emeleus
Session 8.1 Session 6.2 Session 3.2 Session 1.8 Session 10.2 Session 16.2 Session 4.1 Session 11.3+4
14:00-15:30 Alkaline magmatism, carbonatites and associated mineral resources Ice and climate history in the Arctic and subarctic Open session in Palaeontology, palaeoecology and paleoenvironments Depositional Basins Building Baltica Open session Engineering and enviromental geology Holocene coastal morpho-sedimentary systems: Archives, processes and forcing mechanisms Trans-Atlantic correlation of Proterozoic collisional belts and Paleoproterozoic Metallogeny of the Arctic Integrated Hydrological Modeling + Open session Hydrogeology
15:30-16:00 Coffee break
Session 1.6
This session is in memory of Emeleus
Session 8.1 Session 3.2 Session 1.8 Session 16.3
16:00-17:00 Alkaline magmatism, carbonatites and associated mineral resources Ice and climate history in the Arctic and subarctic & Boreas meeting Depositional Basins Building Baltica Lidar in Geomorphology
18:30-21:00 Ice breaker party at Institute for Geoscience at Øster Voldgade 10, 1350 (Central Copenhagen)



Scientific committee

Scientific Program Committee Chair: Karen Hanghøj

1. Igneous Rocks and Processes: Paul Martin Holm
2. Metamorphic rocks and processes: Thorsten Nagel
3. Sedimentary rocks and processes: Ida Fabricius
4. Tectonics and Structural Geology: Pierpaolo Guarnieri
5. Mineralogy: Tonci Balic Zunic
6. Paleontology: Nicolas Thibault
7. Climate: Camilla Snowman
8. Quaternary Geology: Nicolaj Krogh Larsen
9. Economic Geology: Thomas Ulrich
10. Engineering and Enviromental Geology: Joakim Korshøj
11. Hydrogeology: Peter Engesgaard
12. Geophysics: Giampiero Iaffaldano
13. High and Low temperature Geochemistry, Cosmochemistry and Geochronology: Karina Sand
14. Hydrocarbon Geology: Jørgen Bojesen-Koefoed
15. Marine Geology: Paul Knutz
16. Geomorphology: Verner Ernstsen
17. Education, communication, preservation, geoheritage.: Anette Petersen
18. Others: Anette Petersen

Topic 1. Igneous Rocks and Processes

Scientific Coordinator: Paul Martin Holm, University of Copenhagen

Topic 2. Metamorphic rocks and processes  

Scientific Coordinator: Thorsten Nagel, Aarhus University

Topic 3. Sedimentary rocks and processes

Scientific Coordinator: Ida Fabricius, Technical University of Denmark

Topic 4. Tectonics and Structural Geology

Scientific Coordinator: Pierpaolo Guarnieri, Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland, GEUS

Topic 5. Mineralogy

Scientific Coordinator: Tonci Balic Zunic, University of Copenhagen

Topic 6. Paleontology

Scientific Coordinator: Nicolas Thibault, University of Copenhagen

Topic 7. Climate

Scientific Coordinator: Camilla Snowman Andresen, Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland, GEUS

Topic 8. Quaternary geology

Scientific Coordinator: Nicolaj Krogh Larsen, Aarhus University

Topic 9. Economic Geology

Scientific Coordinator: Thomas Ulrich, Aarhus University

Topic 10. Engineering and environmental geology

Scientific Coordinator: Joakim Korshøj, Geo

Topic 11. Hydrogeology

Scientific Coordinator: Peter Engesgaard, University of Copenhagen

Topic 12. Geophysics

Scientific Coordinator: Giampiero Iaffaldano, University of Copenhagen

Topic 13. High and Low temperature Geochemistry, Cosmochemistry and geochronology

Scientific Coordinator: Karina K. Sand, Nano-Science Center, University of Copenhagen

Topic 14. Hydrocarbon geology & Energy

Scientific Coordinator: Jørgen Bojesen-Koefoed, Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland, GEUS

Topic 15. Marine Geology

Scientific Coordinator: Paul Knutz, Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland, GEUS

Topic 16. Geomorphology

Scientific Coordinator: Verner B. Ernstsen, University of Copenhagen

Topic 17. Education, communication, preservation and Geoheritage

Scientific Coordinator: Anette Petersen, GEON

Topic 18. All other Topics

If your contribution does not fit in any of the 17 topics above

Scientific Coordinator: Anette Petersen, GEON


Anker Engelunds Vej 1

2800 Kgs. Lyngby

Telephone: 45251660

Nordic Geoscientist Award

The Nordic Geoscientist Award will be presented every second year in connection with the Nordic Winter Meeting. The Award will be granted to a Nordic geoscientist who has, in the course of his/her career, been strongly involved in the society around us, as well as in specific fields in the geosciences.

The winner of the 33rd Nordic Geoscientist Award in 2018 was Pàll Einarsson  for pioneering applications of seismology and geodesy to magmatic and tectonic processes along plate boundaries of Iceland and the North Atlantic, through mentoring of junior colleagues, leadership of community research initiatives, and unselfish collaboration in research.


The Nomination committee:

Presidents of the Geological Societies
Þorsteinn Sæmundsson, Geological Society of Iceland, steinis [at] hi [dot] is
Pär Weihed, Geological Society of Sweden, par [dot] weihed [at] angstrom [dot] uu [dot] se
Mia Kotilainen, Geological Society of Finland, mia [dot] kotilainen [at] helsinki [dot] fi
Janka Rom, Geological Society of Norway, janka [dot] rom [at] npd [dot] no
Karen Hanghøj, Geological Society of Denmark,  karen [at] hanghoj [dot] rocks

Directors of the Geological Surveys
Mika Nykänen, Geological Survey of Finland, mika [dot] nykanen [at] gtk [dot] fi,
Morten Smelror Geological Survey of Norway, morten [dot] smelror [at] ngu [dot] no
Lena Soderberg,  Geological Survey of Sweden Lena [dot] Soderberg [at] sgu [dot] se,
Flemming Larsen , Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland,  flar [at] geus [dot] dk
Ólafur G. Flóvenz, Iceland Geosurvey, ogf [at] isor [dot] is

Best Student Poster Award

The Winner of the Best Student Poster Award was awarded at the Ice Breaker party Wednesday night to Anders Dahlin from Aarhus University and to Katrine Mo from Norwegian University of Science and Technology.












Pre-conference geological city walk (FULL):

Tuesday 9th January, 2pm - Meeting point is GEOCENTER Copenhagen at Øster Voldgade 10, 1350 Copenhagen (where registration also will be possible from 12-17.00)

 2.5 hour guided walking tour around the geological/historical sites of Copenhagen. During the tour you will be introduced to a variety of rocks being part of park decorations and fences, building facades and doors, fountains and walking paths. At the same time you will get a tour-de force in the history of Copenhagen.

The tour will end in Nyhavn, where there are excellent options for food and drinks.
Dress: Practical, warm clothes, rain coat/umbrella and walking shoes
Included in the fee, but please indicate when you register online if you wish to attend.


Ice-breaker Party

Wednesday 10th January (evening)

Time: 18.30-21.00
Adress: GeoCenter Denmark, Øster Voldgade, 1350 Copenhagen
Dress: Informal
Included in the fee, but please indicate when you register online if you wish to attend.

Dinner at Langelinie Pavillonen

Thursday 11th Januay (evening)

Time: 19.00-23.00

The current Langelinie Pavillonen is designed by architect douple Eva and Niels Koppel, two of the most prominent postward Danish architects. It is wonderful located on the waterfront with the unrivalled views of The Little Mermaid, the fortress Kastellet and the historical Copenhagen harbour. With its superb cuisine, the evening is bound to be a great experience!

The winner of the Nordic Geoscientist Award will be announced at the dinner.

 Dress: Informal – a light coat may be useful

 Price: DKK 670 (€ 90).