Impact structures


  • Arrangør:
  • onsdag | 15. maj 2024
  • 17:00 - 19:00
  • kr. 0,00
  • Tilmelding
Kort utilgængelig

15. maj, kl. 17
Aud. A, IGN, Øster Voldgade 10, 1350 København K

The 3.0 Ga Maniitsoq structure in West Greenland:
Recognition of giant, ancient, eroded impact structures and implications for the crustal evolution of the early Earth
Adam A. Garde, GEUS
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The concealed 58 Ma Hiawatha extraterrestrial impact structure in NW Greenland:
Exploring the impact history of Greenland through detrital material
Will Hyde, Lund University
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